Papilionidae: Swallowtails
Subfamily Papilioninae — Swallowtails |
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Butterfly and host plant |
Battus philenor philenor - Pipevine Swallowtail |
Pipevine (Aristolochia spp. ) inc. watsonii |
Papilio machaon bairdii - Baird's Swallowtail |
Wild tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) |
Papilio polyxenes rudkini - Desert Black Swallowtail |
Turpentine Broom (Thamnosma montana) in the Rutaceae (Rue) family |
Papilio zelicaon - Anise Swallowtail |
Sweet fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), parsley, dill in the Apiaceae (carrot) family |
Papilio indra phyllisae - Phyllis' Swallowtail |
Tauschia parishii (Apiaceae) |
Papilio indra pergamus - Edwards' Swallowtail |
Tauschia arguta, T. parishii, Lomatium lucidum (Apiaceae) |
Papilio indra fordi - Ford's Swallowtail |
Cymopterus panamintensis var acutifolius (Apiaceae); TL is Granite Mtns. near Apple Valley |
Papilio indra martini - Martin's Swallowtail |
Lomatium parryi (Apiaceae); Providence Mtns in the Mojave Preserve |
Papilio indra pygmaeus - Pygmy Indra Swallowtail |
Cymopterus plants (Apiaceae); Dead Mtns. in Mojave desert near Nevada border |
Papilio (or Pterourus) rutulus - Western Tiger Swallowtail |
Several trees, inc. Sycamores and Ash trees (Fraxinus velutina) locally. |
Papilio (or Pterourus) eurymedon - Pale Swallowtail |
They do well on Prunus ilicifolia (Rosaceae); also Rhamnus crocea; Frangula californica; Ceanothus cuneatus and C. integerrimus (Rhamnaceae) |
Papilio (or Pterourus) multicaudata multicaudata - Two-Tailed Swallowtail |
Chokecherry, Ash trees (Fraxinus velutina) |
Heraclides rumiko - Western Giant Swallowtail |
Citrus, such as tender leaves on lemon and orange trees. |
• Parnassius clodius nr baldur - Ken Davenport says only two sightings in Kern Co.
• Papilio eurymedon - Ken has an undescribed Coast Ranges segregate that is "more yellowish or cream colored."
Note: An important paper published in 2004* placed P. machaon, polyxenes, zelicaon, and indra in the subclade or subgenus Papilio within the genus Papilio; P. rutulus, eurymedon, and multicaudata were placed in subgenus Pterourus; cresphontes, the western populations of which are now recognized as species rumiko, was placed in subgenus Heraclides. Battus philenor remained in a different tribe altogether. Since then, evidence suggests these subgenuses (Papilio, Pterourus, and Heraclides) can be considered genus-level taxons. I tend to go back-and-forth between adopting new names and sticking to current ones when well-known butterflies are involved, as it can lead to confusion.
* Evgueni V. Zakharov, Michael S. Caterino and Felix A. H. Sperling, "Molecular Phylogeny, Historical Biogeography, and Divergence Time Estimates for Swallowtail Butterflies of the Genus Papilio (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)," Systematic Biology, Vol. 53, No. 2 (Apr. 2004), pp.193-215.