Calephelis nemesis dammersi
Fatal Metalmark
Calephelis nemesis is a species found throughout Mexico and central America, and to the north into the southern U.S. from California to Texas. In southern California, we have subspecies dammersi. This is a multiple-brooded metalmark with at least two larval food plants: Baccharis salicifolia (mule fat), Baccharis glutinosa (Douglas' baccharis, salt marsh baccharis), and Encelia californica (bush sunflower, California brittlebrush, California encelia). This is a butterfly of the coastal mountains and foothills, in particular riparian or semi-riparian habitats where mule fat does well. The Santa Monica Mountains are a great place to look for it, but there are also records from the Palos Verdes Peninsula, the Gardena Willows Wetlands Preserve, parts of San Diego, and along the coast from Ventura to Santa Barbara; iNaturalist has plenty of helpful records. It's unclear to me whether this metalmark has a true diapause, and if so, what stage or stages are involved.