Anthocharis lanceolata australis

Grinnell's Gray Marble

This uncommon butterfly has a distinctive hindwing pattern that makes it easy to distinguish from other white butterflies. The gray marble is a single-brooded pierid with adults flying in the spring. They seem to prefer species of Boechera as their larval food plant. As with the other Anthocharis species, diapause is as a chysalis, and they can remain in diapause for several years.

Grinell's Gray Marble butterfly, Anthocharis lanceolata australis
This fresh adult Anthocharis lanceolata australis was at Seven Oaks, south of Big Bear, on April 29th, 2023.
Grinell's Gray Marble
Grinnell's gray marble at Icehouse Canyon near Mt Baldy in the San Gabriel Mountains. June 4, 2007.
Original description of Anthocharis lanceolata australis by Fordyce Grinnell in 1908
Anthocharis lanceolata australis was described in 1908 by Fordyce Grinnell in The Canadian Entomologist.

©Dennis Walker