Argynnis mormonia mormonia

Mormon Fritillary

I will always associate this fritillary with the high mountain meadows of Sherman Pass Road, where they can be the most common butterfly in these magical wet forest openings. According to Ken Davenport, who knows the area well, mormonia ranges south to the Kern plateau, so is technically in southern California as I've defined it for this website. He says it doesn not fly in the Greenhorns. It's a high elevation butterfly, with adults emerging in the summer. Population sizes vary from year to year as conditions tend to vary in those habitats, so one year they may be exceedingly common, and another you may wonder whether they are flying at all.

Mormon Fritillary
A female mormon fritillary from a wet meadow at 8200' on the Sherman Pass Road in the Sequoia National Forest. July 19, 2012.
Mormon Fritillary
This mormonia is from the same meadow a few years earlier, on July 20, 2008.
Mormon Fritillary
Another on the same day as above.

©Dennis Walker