Mitoura nelsoni

Nelson's Hairstreak

Nelsoni is closely related to juniper-feeding hairstreaks whose populations may overlap its own. Though there may be intergradation in these places, nelsoni is associated not with junipers but with incense cedar, and it has a single brood, from May into July. It is less boldly patterned underneath as well, with the white line typical of its congeners reduced or nearly absent.

Mitoura nelsoni- Nelson's Hairstreak
Mitoura nelsoni, at flowers in Icehouse Canyon not far from Mt. Baldy in the San Gabriels. May 24, 2017.
Mitoura nelsoni- Nelson's Hairstreak
Another from Icehouse Canyon but eight years earlier: June 18, 2009. The yerba santa there can be a great butterfly spot when it's in bloom.
Mitoura nelsoni- Nelson's Hairstreak
Typical Nelson's hairstreak along the Forsee Creek Trail off Jenk's Lake Rd, south of Big Bear. June 4, 2006.
Mitoura nelsoni- Nelson's Hairstreak
Nelson's hairstreak on the Mt Waterman Trail in the San Gabriels. June 25, 2006.

©Dennis Walker