Euphilotes dammersi dammersi
Dammers' Dotted Blue
Euphilotes dammersi dammersi, or Euphilotes enoptes dammersi, is a blue of the low desert that times its autumn flight to the bloom of its host buckwheats. Where I tend to see it - in Riverside County - it uses varieties of Eriogonum wrightii, and flies from roughly late August into October when the plants have flowers for the larvae to feed on. After feeding on the pollen and seeds, the larvae go to the ground to pupate and go into diapause until the cycle begins again.
The type locality is Snow Creek in Riverside County, and it flies in desert environments in western San Bernardino Co., in the Santa Ana Mountains of Orange Co., to the Santa Rosas and through eastern San Diego Co. to Baja. In the remote desert mountains of eastern San Bernardino County it is replaced by subspecies opacapulla.