Hesperia colorado leussleri

Leussler's Branded Skipper

This can be the most common skipper in certain montane habitats in southern California. It flies in the summer, and looks similar to the Juba skipper but is slightly smaller, with less bold ventral markings. Warner Hot Springs in San Diego County is the type locality, with others in the type series from Big Bear and Idyllwild. This is a summer flyer; my records are from May, June, and July, with most in June.

Hesperia colorado leussleri - Leussler's Branded Skipper
Leussler's branded skipper, a subspecies of the common branded skipper. Pacific Crest Trail east of Van Dusen Cyn Rd, Big Bear on May 26, 2006.
Hesperia colorado leussleri - Leussler's Branded Skipper
A male. Icehouse Canyon near Mt. Baldy, June 19, 2007.
Hesperia colorado leussleri - Leussler's Branded Skipper
A female, also Icehouse Canyon on June 19, 2007.
Hesperia colorado leussleri - Leussler's Branded Skipper
A male at Keen Camp Summit Road. May 23, 2022.
Hesperia colorado leussleri - Leussler's Branded Skipper
Party on the thistle. Pacific Crest Trail west of Polique Cyn Rd, Big Bear, July 2, 2006.
Original description of Hesperia colorado leussleri - Leussler's Branded Skipper
Lindsey named this as a "form" in 1940.

©Dennis Walker