Hesperia colorado idaho

Western Branded Skipper

Hesperia colorado idaho flies in June in Kern County (Butterbredt Peak and the Kelso Valley, Walker Pass) and through most of August in Tulare County (Bald Mountain to west of Sherman Pass). When I visited Bald Mountain on June 28, 2017, there were many hundreds of these, avidly taking nectar at flowers on the rocky outcrops around the summit.

Hesperia colorado idaho - Western Branded Skipper
Hesperia colorado idaho were having a big day around Bald Mountain on June 28, 2017. There were hundreds, perhaps thousands, of them.
Hesperia colorado idaho - Western Branded Skipper
They were drawn by the bunch to flowers growing through the rocks around the open summit area.
Hesperia colorado idaho - Western Branded Skipper
Another Hesperia colorado idaho taking nectar. At first, I assumed these were juba and didn't take many photos. Glad I took as many as I did (kind of a rule I follow: when in doubt, shoot) - this was a species I didn't have before.
Hesperia colorado idaho - Western Branded Skipper
Not all are in focus - using a macro lens here - but there are seven Hesperia colorado idaho in frame on this plant, which was pretty typical. Imagine a hillside full of these flowers, and you get an idea of what it was like that day.

©Dennis Walker